In honor of Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I want to share a story of love, family and discovery with all of you that have been along for the KelpMineral journey with me. So, put on your mineral masks, and gather around as we go back in time and hear the tale of how I started on my own quest to discover an elusive mineral that had only been found just once before.
It all started in 2014 when I was going through a life-changing and traumatic event. On one especially difficult afternoon, I called my grandmother, hoping for an inspirational pep talk. My grandma and I were there always there for each other in times of crisis, and so I naturally reached to her for support. I said, “Tell me something important and good about me; Tell me about my Inuit Heritage”. Without skipping a beat as if waiting to be asked, she replied, “I do have something to pass on to you, Carey. I think you will be interested.”

“About a hundred years ago,” she continued, “your great great grandfather, discovered a mineral, and it became his life’s work to bring this mineral to the people and cure the world of disease, at least, that was his dream.”
I was instantly hooked by this incredible story that my grandmother shared me feeling relief for a new direction to shift my focus on finding out more about my family history and specifically about my great great grandfather, Hans Brooten. I began to look up the names, scouring the internet for any details I could track down. As I dug deeper into my research, I found that not only everything she told me had truth to it, but also that I began to take on the dream myself, nightly. I even went to visit a Shaman for guidance and they helped me identify and choose the “door” that ended one lifeline and begin another. Fully committed to my new path, I relocated from Houston, Texas to the Oregon Coast in search of opening this new door for myself.
Arriving in Pacific City, I found many relatives and elders who confirmed the stories and even contributed their own memories about the legendary Brooten Kelp Ore Mine. I learned that Hans Brooten was the original founder of KelpMineral, and was born in Konisburg Norway in 1861 and came to America with his mother and grandfather when he was just fourteen-years-old. The small family settled in Minnesota and began farming. When Hans was twenty, he married Isabel Thorsen, who was also Norwegian, and together they worked as cooks for the Northern Pacific Railroad.
The beloved local historian in town, Sally Rissel, gifted me stacks of pamphlets and personal journals written by Brooten himself. Here is a very special excerpt from one of his journals where Hans describes a reoccurring dream he had for twenty years, while he was working on the railroad and traveling across the United States towards the Pacific Northwest.
A Strange Dream from Hans Brooten
The dream was so vivid, Hans would awake trembling with fear. He dreaded going to bed at night for fear of the dream, as he knew it would come every night! At last, not knowing what to do and fearing that he was losing his mind, he went to a famous fortune teller.
This dream, that my great great grandfather had for twenty years, drew him towards the the cerulean blue mineral, we now call KelpMineral. Using the clues he left me, my own vivid dreams and my own calling to help heal the world, I re-discovered “not gold—not silver—but something else.”

Now, I have taken it on as my own calling to create innovative and health-restoring skin care, and I feel tremendously honored and grateful to be able to help finish my great great grandfather’s life’s work and have it become my own. I have inherited the dream, and I it is now my mission to share the healing powers of KelpMineral with all of you, just as my ancestors did before me. As a lesson of trusting your instincts, and finding new doors of inspiration I hope it inspires you to share these healing lessons you discover in life, with the world! As you use any of the KelpMineral products and fall in love yourself, all I ask is you continue to share your own story and spread the healing message to others.
Learn more about the KelpMineral story and rich history of the Brooten family, here.
This month is a great time to start your own healing journey, the “Game Changer”, the pure fossilized kelp-clay used for mineral masks was hand-mined straight from THE original mine of both Hans and my dreams’. Use the special discount code: LOVE for 20% off any size of the “Game Changer.” Plus, this month, we’re introducing two new products - the Calming Mist and the Cloud Cream and we’ll add a deluxe sample size to your order this month for you to try, share your feedback with us and even add to your own wellness routine.
1 comment
I just love reading these stories Carey! It is heartwarming amd inspirational.