A Dream Calling: The Discovery of KelpMineral February 09, 2024Carey Wundram In honor of Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I want to share a story of love, family and discovery with all of you that have been along for the...
Commit to a Cleaner and Healthier you! January 03, 2024Carey Wundram It’s the New Year and this comes with a fresh, new slate. “Move down…clean cups”, said the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, but everyone kept finding themselves facing a...
Your Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide December 04, 2023Carey Wundram1 comment Deck the Halls with KelpMineral Ho ho ho! The holidays are here, and there's no better time to spread joy and pamper your loved ones with the gift of healthy,...
7-Day KelpMineral Clay Face Mask Challenge: Get Dramatic Results! October 27, 2023Carey Wundram1 comment 7-Day KelpMineral Clay Face Mask Challenge use promo code 7daychallenge for 20%off the Game Changer, Miracle Balm and Super Healer at KelpMineral.com
Anti-bacterial clays! Found only in Oregon... August 24, 2018Carey Wundram Take a minute to read this fascinating article about blue clays found in Oregon. They may offer hope against deadly, antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Suggested Use for Clay and Mineral August 04, 2018Carey Wundram For CLAY or MINERAL masks: Place a small amount of mineral or clay into a bowl.* Add a little water (about 1:1 ratio of mineral to water) and a drop...
What makes a clay antibacterial? July 05, 2017Carey Wundram What makes a clay antibacterial? Lynda B. Williams t, *, David W. Metge tt, Dennis D. Eberl tt, Ronald W. Harvey tt, Amanda G. Turner t, Panjai Prapaipong t,...